Oscar E. Ramos

Research Professor
Department of Mechatronics Engineering
Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología - UTEC
Lima, Peru

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My general research goal aims to develop strategies for robotic systems to robustly and autonomously move in a wide variety of tasks and scenarios. These strategies are founded on the theory of dynamics and control, as well as on applications of statistics and probabilities for learning and action taking under uncertainty. The systems I mainly work with include redundant robot manipulators, humanoid robots, quadrupeds and wheeled robots.

My main research interests are:

  • Deep reinforcement learning for complex motion generation
  • Robot perception and locomotion based on deep learning and machine learning
  • Numerical optimal control and trajectory optimization
  • Whole-body motion for multi-limbed robots (humanoids, quadrupeds)
  • Bipedal locomotion and balance on unstructured environments

About me

I hold a Ph.D. in Robotics and Computer Science from LAAS-CNRS and the University of Toulouse III in Toulouse, France, where I worked in the Group for the Movement of Anthropomorphic Systems with Dr. Nicolas Mansard and Dr. Philippe Soueres. I received the European M.Sc. degree in Computer Vision and Robotics from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh (U.K.), the University of Girona (Spain), and the University of Bourgogne (France).

Previously, I was Postdoctoral Associate at Duke University in the Intelligent Motion Lab with Prof. Kris Hauser. From 2011 to 2014, I was Teaching Assistant at the Engineering School of the University of Toulouse III, in the program of Robotic and Interactive Systems. I have also been a Visiting Researcher at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA). At the National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC) I was part of the Tartan Rescue team for the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC). I have also been Research Assistant at the Underwater Vision and Robotics Research Center at the University of Girona (Spain), and previously I was with the Control, Automation and Robotics Group at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).


Oscar E. Ramos Ponce, Ph.D.
UTEC - Of. P508
Jr. Medrano Silva 165, Barranco
Lima, Peru
(+51 1) 230 5000 ext 4268
oramos (at) utec [dot] edu (dot) pe

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